Initiation. Transformation. Liberation.


A 3 hour process, spread over three weeks, (1 hour/week), to share the foundations of your Human Design. This program covers the fundamental knowledge you need to start living and experimenting with your Human Design.

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Six hours, spread over 6 weeks, (1 hour/week), to guide you through a transformative process on ANYTHING you want to change. (If there is more after 6 weeks, we simply do another cycle.)

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Live events to fully dive into, and explore, your fullest expression.

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Being. Uniquely. You.

Connecting. Bridges. Together.

Have you have lost connection with yourself, your partner, your purpose, your creativity or simply your joy? Do you long to be guided back to your heart and on the way need to recover pieces of yourself that have been lost, buried and forgotten? Then let me guide you. Using my facilitation gifts, mixed with my expertise in Human Design, I can offer potent, powerful guidance, insights and tools for you to rediscover who you truly are and from this place live more freely, with more joy, expressing your full self and relating better with those you love and work with. The world needs us all to remember who we are and why we are here.

  • Category: Guidance Sessions
  • Duration: 01:15 Hours
  • Address: Lewes, UK (Map)
  • More Info: Or online via zoom.


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Adults. At. Play.

Sensory Play Experience image

Sensory Play Experience is an experience that does exactly as it says. It's a shared experience where you get to play and explore all the human senses.

A playful yet profound embodied experience of giving and receiving touch, tastes and smells set to a continually moving sound landscape.
The experience is designed to open your heart and soul leave you feeling tantalised and activated throughout your being.

Why I'm Here imageWhy I'm Here imageWhy I'm Here image

1)  Initiation 

By translating Human Design, I guide you into a deeper knowing of your unique essence and soul mission (if you choose to accept it!)

2) Transformation 

To guide you through personal transformation to live your full, glorious, unique potential, by supporting you to free yourself from conditioning, wounding, addiction and pain and suffering that's getting in the way. (Let's not forget you are here to experience the joy of living!) 

3) Liberation

To create and facilitate experiences and co-created spaces, where you can explore, expand and embody more of your unique expression, while being loved, witnessed and supported by community.


Lets jump on a call, with a cuppa, and chat about that .... Text me on 07900 827839 or email to organise .

Recent Events 

"Time For You" - Women's Day (with Three's Company Events) - Lewes, UK - 29th Feb 2020

Sensory Immersive Theatre (Valentines Special) - Lewes, UK - 14th Feb 2020

Heart IQ Insights to Intimacy, New Eden - Aug 2019  (inc Sensory Theatre and Poetry Performance)

Sensory Immersive Theatre, New Eden - Jul 2018 and Nov 2018

Sister Circle, Lewes - Apr to Jul 2017

International Women's Day Circle, Lewes - Mar 2017

Community Circle Day,  Lewes - Nov 2016

One Billion Rising Event, Lewes - Mar 2015

Human Design

Since Nov 2018 I have guided 60 Human Design sessions for individuals, groups and family relationships.  

I've held three experimental sessions at retreats with large groups (12-25), practising embodying Human Design.

I have been living, studying and sharing Human Design since May 2016.


Embodied Intimacy Resource Training - August 2020

Heart IQ Facilitator Training Level 2 - Jan to Dec 2017

Heart IQ Facilitator Hot Seat Training - Nov 2017

Heart IQ Facilitator Training Level 1 - Jan to Dec 2016

Women Within Staffing - Feb & June 2011, Feb, June & Oct 2012, June 2013, Aug & Oct 2014

Paramana Doula Course with Lilianna Lammers and Michel Odent - Nov 2011

Personal Work

Heart IQ Insights to Intimacy - Mar 2018

Heart IQ Ultima - Mar 2018

Heart IQ Summit - Dec 2017

Heart IQ Immersion - July 2017

Heart IQ Experience - January 2017

Shadow Work Days - 2015

Women In Power Initiation - May 2015

Woman Within Level 2 Initiation - April 2014

Women Empowering Women - Dec 2013

NVC Community Weekend with Kelly Bryson - Oct 2013

NVC Practice Group - 2012 to 2013

Sacred Blueprint Workshop with Lilith Wildwood - Oct 2012

Women Within ECircle 2011 to 2012

Women Within Level 1 Initiation - Oct 2010

Community Projects

The Awakened Living Project 2, New Eden - Jan to Apr 2019

The Awakened Living Project, New Eden - Sep to Nov 2018

Heart IQ Community Project, Joure, Netherlands - Jan to Apr 2018

Terra Nova Community Project, Lewes - Jan to Oct 2014

Circle of Sisters Project (For Young Women), Brighton - Jan 2013 to May 2014

People. Like. Me.

From. My. Heart.


Hmmm. Where to start? So much moved through me this past weekend. So much was available to feel. Almost too much and yet what is too much? There is only what we can handle - touch - hold.

I notice when I judge things as too much, it simply means I am overwhelmed by the challenge, in this case to be present to the feelings of being trapped, suffocated and unable to move. Constricted so tight I couldn’t breathe fully. 

A week before, after sitting in circle, a pain arrived in my neck. I enquired deeply with this pain. It felt like an injury from being strangled or maybe hung. One or the other. I also started to menstruate heavily. I haven’t bled for 8 months. 

At the same time a wretchedness attached itself to my heart that would not let go. It would not let go. The addict part of me began crying out for relief. For mercy. For something to take the pain away. I don’t use alcohol anymore. Facebook has replaced some of that behavior. I admit. Damn it. 

Eventually I chose to chain smoke three ciggies at a dear friend’s house, (FYI I gave up Jan 2020, having been a social smoker and justifying my habit far too long). As I sat with my dear friend sharing some of what I was experiencing and feeling I started to feel a shift. Where would I be without my friends who get me and can hear me? 

The next morning a subtle strength and blissful state re-entered my body. One that I felt in every cell of my being. It reassured me. It gave me a clear message. One I want to share here. 

The message had been percolating since that circle I mentioned, where I witnessed and was part of something magical. However it does not easily translate into the language I have available, so undoubtedly the energy of it could be partly lost in translation, and yet words are all I have available so I will use them to the best of my ability, in the hope it lands in you as it did in me. 

In this circle I experienced what I would describe as a collective, patriarchal, internalized programming energy with a strangle-hold on everyone. I watched how tightly it was clinging on, in it's final days of reckoning, not letting go. Wanting to choke us all. So scared it is of what lies ahead. So scared of the unknown. (Maybe it is not unknown and simply forgotten?) 

Side note: as I type these words, the place where the pain in my neck was, is internally tickling and itching! 

Let me give some context. All my life I have been programmed to do, to build, to know, to understand (look at that word – under-stand), to keep on keeping on. To know more and more, to do more and more, to grow more and more. To be bigger, better and shinier than before. And you know what? It is killing me, and it is killing our planet. 

Building up and up, till we meet the sky, till we can fly in the sky, then fly beyond the sky and then put things in and beyond the sky too! All in the name of progress. And yes. Wow, what wonders have been unveiled in these explorations. And yet. Woah, what damage has occurred too, and continues. 

Our lofty, high ideas and ideals have been traded for positions of status. The unending drive to move up the career ladder and reach higher positions of power and status. The need to get on the housing ladder to provide security for our families. The building of empires - real and spiritual. All things that climb up, and to where exactly? And how many people get a step up? Who and what is at the top? And most importantly where and when does it stop? When do we realise we need to come down? 

When we stand at the summit looking at the incredible view and realise it is only momentarily satisfying? Like an orgasm. It washes over us. Intense. Gratifying. Then passes and ebbs away until the desire to conquer another summit arises, to reach another peak. 

Let’s pause here and take a deep breath. Breathe in the energy behind these words. Listen bodily. Feel the energy of forever seeking and climbing. It’s powerful and intoxicating. And yet it is not home. It moves us away from home. It takes us out of ourselves, up to realms outside our body and if we stay here, we get lost. 

We bypass all that is grounded and soft and waiting to receive us. Waiting to wrap us in love. Waiting to comfort and nurture us. This energy needs to come home. It has been lost for so long. 

Encouraged by everyone to keep going. We cheer it on. In awe of it’s power. Not stopping to breathe, reflect and notice where it is taking us. Swept up in the maelstrom of progress. 

Is it time to pause? Can we agree to meet this energy in it’s full power with unwaivering love and call it home? Home is the place we have been encouraged to leave so we can find ourselves and yet in our adventure we forget that we need to come back to replenish. To reflect on our journey. To fill up at our source. 

In this circle I mentioned earlier, I observed the fear of coming home. The fear or being met in our fear. How ironic that this energy of fear feeds itself. A cannibalistic energy. Getting fatter and bigger by the day. 

There is no space to breathe fully when we move from fear. It takes us out of our hearts. It alerts us only to stay aware so we can survive. Yet we cannot just survive. We need to thrive. This planet needs to thrive. The people need to thrive and we thrive together. 

Survival creates separation. Fighting only for ourselves. Thriving is about interdependence and togetherness. To thrive we need to converse with this fear. We need to acknowledge it, listen to it and blow it away. Then allow it to dissolve into dust. 

It is not the moist fertile ground in which to plant new seeds of intention. It is not. To create a new earth we need new earth! 

We need to come down from the sky and ground and soften our edges. Be rounded and s-m-oothed by love. Breathe. Slow down. Understanding the time for planning through fear is over. We have done that.

It’s time to birth the new through love. From a place of home. We are in a time of great surrender. A time to trust in life changing us and not us trying to change it. A time to reclaim all that is sacred and forgotten, that was left on the ground as we built up. As we flew away. We need to collect the fallen feathers and make a soft bed for our dreams. 

We need to release the hold on our fear. To stop using it as justification for acts of violence and terror. Fighting back is not the only answer. We all know this. All of us. Yet here we are, in the middle of a psychological war. A deeply psychological, patriarchal, mind-bending war. Its weapon of choice – fear.

Until we are willing to soften our edges, round down and embrace fear, remove our armour by doing the inner work, we will not be open to what is needing to be birthed. 

There really is no preparation for birth. It is a full surrender of the body. To the movement of life coming through and out. It is profound and it needs protecting in all ways. We can either fight it and continue our legacy of pain and suffering, or embrace it and surrender to the ecstasy of the universe moving through us. 

Birth is our sacred passage into humanity and death is simply another birth back to source. Both initiations are reverent and sacred and a mystery we will never fully understand, or know. 

We owe it to ourselves and each other to remember this. To create spaces where we can all birth and die, birth and die together. Unafraid of what will be. Unafraid of the great mystery. 

We need to thrive together to ensure this home is still here for our children and future generations. We need to let go of what no longer serves us. 

Soften our edges. 

Round down. 

Embrace fear. 

Birth change.

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The Path to Unity I’m sure if you drew this path it would not be one you would choose to follow on a map.  In reality can it even exist on a 2D piece of paper?

The path to unity spirals and weaves with the sacred fool as the cartographer, choosing to design from experience rather than ink. 

The path to unity is as unique as each individual who chooses to take it.  Is it even a path?  More your own unique map, like the Marauder’s Map in Harry Potter, magically appearing when you surrender to the life you are here to experience. 

The path to unity challenges all that we think and know and drops us deep into a place of mystery.  It is a path of self-discovery and not one for the feint hearted.  Is it even a choice?  

Maybe more a conscious commitment after an awakening moment of clarity, of seeing, of no longer being able to continue going round and round in circles on the map of life given to you by society.  The one you have no memory of agreeing to follow.  And now you are lost, stuck or tired and want to find your way home. 

Following society’s map has led you to believe that unity only happens if we care for everyone.  That unity is a concept where we move together, all agreeing and believing the same thing.  That unity is something to do. That unity is something to achieve.  That unity will save the world.  That unity will solve your problems. 

In those statements there is some truth, as there is always a nugget of truth in everything. Yet what if, taking a new blank map, we decided to carve our own path to unity.  

What then? 

What if we discovered unity is about caring for ourselves first.  That unity happens as a result of us each showing up in the world as fully as possible. That unity is about standing by our own beliefs and accepting they will be different to others.  That unity is about accepting others being different.  

That unity arises from the present moment when you are consciously walking your own unique path. That unity is here already and simply needs tapping into as a resource and salve for your soul.  That unity comes from a deep connection and intimacy arising from loving and respecting every being on this earth. 

That unity is your birthright and you simply forgot in the Great Forgetting and are now being asked to remember. 

That unity is an energy to feel and to connect to it’s frequency you need to feel yourself fully, and be responsible for your feelings.  That unity is accepting the duality of life we exist in and loving it all at once. 

Unity is a string of moments, building on the previous moment, so on and so forth and though we believe we are travelling forward we are spiralling randomly through time and space, with no agenda. Free falling.  Surrendered to the life flowing through us and this is where magic lies.  

Society isn’t wrong.  Society isn’t right.  Society simply is.  Yet we are at a tipping point.  At a crossroads on our tired, scrumpled map. Like the bus in the film Speed, hanging from a precipice waiting to fall.  

What is being asked of us? Do you want to hear the questions?  Do you want to hang suspended and do nothing or do you want to be part of the solution?   Do you see that falling into the void, or pulling ourselves back onto the path we were on, are both viable options? Which option scares you the most?  Could it be that is the better option?  The path of greatest resistance?  Or the path of least? 

Society keeps most of us seated. Too scared to move.  Trapped and looking to someone else for a solution.  Yet you are a passenger.  Witnessing life.  You are in it and it’s time to engage. What part of the solution are you holding?  

If you were to let go, surrender and trust what would you offer from your heart?

Maybe a hug.  Maybe a genius solution.  Maybe a prayer or song. Maybe a creative idea.  Maybe stillness.  Maybe passionate anger.  Maybe grieving tears. 

Unity asks us to offer up all the pieces of ourselves freely and without shame.  It asks us to protect the weak and vulnerable and to strengthen each other through love and understanding.  To uphold and respect each individual for the sovereign being they are.  To honor individual choice.  To stop waiting to be saved.  To stop waiting to be released from our pain.

Unity says there is no right or wrong in the moment as they must exist together, for them to exist at all.  

Unity is calling you … are you ready?

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I am writing to share my heart with you.

I for one do not consent to your laws, your mandates or your policies.

I am a human being born of this earth, and freedom is my birthright.

I understand why you might be trying to hold on to control and power as it is all you know and it's what drives you.

However look around … the world is changing fast and you need to change too.

I can imagine it has been very challenging this past 18 months for you, as it has been for the people, and yet in different ways. Many people have suffered under your misguided ways and it’s time to put a stop to any further damage, that I observe comes from your unresolved trauma and inability to lead holisitically, ie from your heart, head, emotions, body and soul.

It’s time to let go. Before it’s too late. You can save yourselves or be lost forever.

I invite you to step down.

The people do not benefit from your leadership. We have found our own leadership within ourselves and if you look around there are grass root movements happening everywhere that are addressing the issues you fail to address and take into consideration our Mother Earth and all the people and creatures who inhabit her.

True leaders take ownership of their pain and trauma and do the inner and outer work to recover from it. They embrace their humanity and are transparent and accountable for their decisions and actions.

True leaders move from humility and forgiveness for themselves and others. They do not project their suffering onto others. They stand in the fire of their truth and emanate love, kindness and compassion.

We the people cannot save you. You need to find the love inside you to save yourself.

I get a strong sense you do not take ownership of what drives you and yet now is the time to take notice, to learn and to step aside for new leaders to show the way.

The walls are crumbling around you and soon you will be left standing in the rubble of your own despair. Now is the time to bow out gracefully.

In this whole Covid debacle I am witnessing the death rolls of patriarchy as it collapses in on itself and it has been both painful and joyful to watch. The ignorance and arrogance that you can control nature without consequence is breathtaking.

I need to breathe. Mother Earth and all the life she supports needs to breathe.

You cannot take one part of life, ie science and make it a God. Science is a construct of humanity and it cannot stand alone. It is currently a dictatorship. It needs to stop.

Science needs to be balanced with intuition, insight, emotion, needs and desires. These qualities cannot continue to be ignored and diminished. They are to be embraced by each and every one of us if we want to reconnect to the heart of humanity because this is what makes us human.

It’s time we face our own destruction and feel how that is impacting the lives of everyone. We all need to turn inwards and find love and acceptance for it all. That takes work.

A leader needs to feel. A leader needs to love. A leader needs to be in tune with the very life that runs through them and to be in service to humanity and not in it for themselves.

Humility needs to be reinstated as a superpower. Enough is enough. I do not consent. I am in service to Mother Earth. I am standing in my power as a woman and I say “I am here. Hear me.”

I am leading a new way.

Who is standing with me?

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A few months ago I got clear on a relationship I have had nearly all my life. This beautiful clarifying message I received lit me up from head to toe. 

I had been struggling with this particular relationship and I needed to find peace and respect between us. Over the past 10 years or so I have been enquiring with this relationship and how it impacts my life. 

I’ve read many books, attended and held workshops around it and always come away feeling there is something I am yet to understand. That there is something I need to unearth around this relationship in order for me to relate more freely and openly in it. 

So you will understand why this realisation I had, offered huge relief as I had been searching for a long time.

Let me explain more. 

This relationship is with money. 

Particularly with earning it.  I mean listen to that.  Earning it!  What does that even mean?  The Cambridge dictionary’s second definition of the word EARN is “to get something you deserve”.  Do we deserve money?  Deserve being “something you are worthy of”.  Are we worthy of money?  Gosh. That’s a whole other rabbit hole to go down, and I will leave that question with you the reader.

So what is my main challenge in my relationship with money? 

Mostly I feel uncomfortable “charging” for my work.  I do not align with the idea that I need to claim my value which is a concept I often read when people are advising around money and self-worth.  I know some of you reading this will want to challenge me further.  Trust me I have sat with this over and over and it doesn’t speak to my heart. 

I know my value.  My love and work is priceless.  It does not carry a finite monetary value. 

Darren Deojee, whose insights’ I respect and relate to, clarified it for me when he shared around the “charge” of the masculine. (Do not muddle masculine with only about men.)  I am talking about energy here.  The outward, penetrating energy of the masculine.  Think about charging on a horse. 

Charging has a strong outward energy and that is exactly what it is.  Outwardly asking for money in exchange for products or services, before the product or service has been exchanged.  This charge is often a criteria that is considered by the receiver of the product or service, before making the decision whether or not they can “afford” it.

This charging energy does not sit well with my heart, which is feminine at it’s core.  (Again do not conclude feminine as only about women.)  I ascertain we are all our own unique blend of masculine and feminine energies in either a man’s, woman’s or non-binary person’s body.  We have a unique ratio of these energies present in us, that I believe can change during our life time as we change and grow. 

The primary qualities of feminine energy are receptive and soft.  The qualities of the masculine energy are penetrating and hard. It’s all there at the point of creation.  The yin and yang.  The egg and the seed.  The binary energies we are created from, live in and at this point in our evolution are challenged by! 

So how does this relate to me and you? 

I long to be of service to people.  I love nothing more than being invited to support people to discover more about themselves through their joy and pain, and remember the uniqueness of who they are and why they are here. 

I realise my services as a guide, facilitator and healer are invaluable.  I choose not to put a monetary value on them.  

I need to be of service from my open heart and be open to receive whatever the recipient of my services wants to give, and trust the value they place is correct for them.  From nothing to infinity, it’s all ok. 

And to be clear if they choose to pay nothing it does not necessarily mean they do not value me.  Not at all.  

I receive so much from being of service the money is merely a reciprocal exchange of the energy I share, and not a prerequisite. I surrender to receive whatever the recipient wants to give, and I do this in full trust. 

In the past I myself was often unable to receive the support services I needed because I did not have enough money.  Was I unworthy? Undeserving? 

I will not let that be a reason people cannot access my healing and guidance if they need it.  I put the value of my services in the hand of the receiver. 

There is something very beautiful in the layers of receiving.  Initially I receive the joy of witnessing and being part of the recipient’s healing experience, which is why I do what I do, and always holds value and learning for me too, and if they then choose to cross my palm with silver that is a bonus, and one I am grateful for. 

I love this experiment.  It lights up my soul.  

I am sure there is more I could add to flesh out this article and the experiences that led me and here and yet I feel to keep it simple. 

This is enough.  I am enough.  You are enough. There is enough for everyone.

I hope it helps you understand a little more about me and how I show up in the world, especially if you choose me to support you in your life. 


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This piece of writing is a reflection of my personal experience being on social media recently, what it bought up for me and what I took from it …..

Tonight my heart aches and a heaviness surrounds me, as I sit, tucked up in my cosy bed, with a pen in my hand, poised over a blank page, purposefully away from the keyboard, to pour out words freely from my heart and into form.  

I first notice the resistance to writing coming from a tension created between longing to write wildly, boldly, without censor and the fear of being ridiculed, the fear of not getting it “right” and the fear of being told I “talk utter bollocks.”  These exact words having been shared with me by somebody on Facebook, who I’ve never met and doesn’t know me. It stung, even though I tried hard to pretend it didn’t. 

I need to write for no other reason than to express what I want to say about the “whole situation”.

What on earth is happening to us?

In the last 24 hours I have given far too much attention to Facebook and threads around the … dare I even say this word ... “Plandemic” saga.

On first watching this film I wept deeply, recognising the bravery of a woman doctor speaking out, without shame or fear, from her experience and wisdom. I felt every cell in my being light up as I watched her speak, and an intuitive sense of something important, and some dots joining together from other things I had read and researched, (that’s my version of researched btw) and I immediately shared it. I didn’t check if it was true or not. I simply shared it, aware it could be removed, and feeling strongly that others needed to see it too.

Fast forward 24 hours later and WOW! The dissenting voices appear. I am anxiously questioned around my intention for posting it on the different pages I had shared it. I explain as best I can, aware I have shared something that is creating a big reaction. Of course! Just like me! I flail and flounder. Why do I need to justify myself? Why am I letting it get to me?

I see thread after thread of people slating this film. Saying it is a bunch of lies. That what she says is not true. I see the word “debunked” a lot. I notice a far too quiet voice in my head wondering if it had been a man sharing, would it have been received differently. I question a lot.

Aarrgh. And it hits me again. Fully in my guts. This sickening feeling, a potent combination of disbelief, anger, shame and despair which I grapple with internally.

I continue to read these threads, driven by a hunger for truth, something to hold on to, aware of a feeling that haunts my dreams, and stirs a primal life force in me that almost winds me, as it’s in such stark contrast to the isolated days spent at home with my son, tending and nurturing a safe house for us both.  A space for him to be held and loved, during times which have no advice manual or guide.

I read comment after comment, all disparate in nature, back and forth, back and forth, jarring and crashing.  I read on and on, my pulse rate quickening, my breath getting shallower.  A part of me hooked into the drama, like a TV soap, receiving a hit of endorphins.  The younger part of me willing an outer authority to step in and break up this sad fighting, and the hungry part of me gorging on the information and opinions shared, to the point of feeling sick.

I feel I am watching a war.  I am sucked in, as people belittle, patronise, insult and slander others.  Sometimes referencing people as if they aren’t there, with not a crumb of kindness expressed.

I sometimes steel myself to comment too.  I have something to say!  My heart in my throat, then wincing as I receive a reply notification on my phone.  Bracing myself for the perceived onslaught.

As I read responses to my messages I feel my sense of self being trampled on.  My boundaries being crossed and my energy draining from my body.  My hands are cold.  My armpits are sweaty.

I start to wonder if these comments are coming from people who are high or have been drinking.  I wonder if these people would dare repeat what they share in person, to people they have never met in real life, as often is the case on social media.

I am aware how easy it is to walk away from ugly discussions online, I’ve done it myself, leaving a toxic fug of unresolved issues. I wonder what would happen if these conversations were held in the real world what the outcome would be. The reality of this virtual world sinks deeper into my being.

I wonder about the children who are being raised in this space and what the impact will be on them in the future. I wonder a lot, did you notice?

It’s a mind fuck basically. My mind and the minds of others are fucking with me, and a part of me likes it, and a part of me is disgusted.

I quickly remember that posting on Facebook rarely meets my fundamental human needs. To feel safe, to be loved, to belong, to be heard and understood.

I allowed myself to get hooked in again.  Damn!

Why do I continue to do this? 

I feel dismay and hopelessness.  This feeling has no place to hide and I don’t know what to do with it.  

In the past I would have numbed it away with wine and cigarettes. Today, thankfully and gratefully, that is no longer a choice I take.

Don’t misunderstand me here.  These past weeks in lockdown I am deeply aware of the longing to escape.   The longing to ease the discomfort of uncertainty. The longing to quell the fear and anxiety in the most societally conditioned way of all.  By drinking alcohol.  “There, there, all better now.” 

I remember my father, who often chose alcohol over the love of his family, (been there, done it, got the cap and signed program), pouring my mother her evening glass of Cinzano, referring to it as “her medicine”, and hearing her anticipatory laugh in agreement, as he did so.  A welcome sense of edges being softened.

This part of my programming has taken me 20 years to decode and rewrite. Something I am very grateful, and equally bitter to have experienced.

And the deprogramming continues. So I sit with it.  The hopelessness.  

In case I lost you.

Are we at war?

Friday was VE day.  The realisation of it hit me hard.  I called my mother.  She was diagnosed with dementia 8 years ago.  I asked her to recall what happened on that day, knowing that her long term memory burns bright and full of joy, which in turn raises her self-esteem, so badly bashed by the loss of her short term memory.

She was 13 years old back then, living in Manchester. She recalled parties and dancing around a bonfire. She recalled all the neighbours holding hands and creating a long human chain, weaving in and out of each other’s houses, collecting everyone as they went, ending in a big gathering in the street, where they sang songs together. She recalls that nobody needed a drink because they were all so merry anyway! High on the relief of it all being over! Yes, I can imagine that.

Even though her long term memory mostly works, the recollection of these memories can get muddled, and she shares the story of going down into the air raid shelters, during a bomb scare in the middle of the night, two or three times during our conversation, and it’s apparent this memory overrides the others of celebration.

She tells me how she went to bed wearing an all-in-one outfit her mother made her.  Not her normal pyjamas.  This was so that when the siren went off, in the middle of the night, she was ready to leave the house quickly, only needing to grab a blanket, to get to the safety of the Anderson shelter in their garden, one they shared with neighbours.  

She recalls her mother with a lot of love and affection, making sleeping bags for her and her siblings out of old eider downs, to keep them as warm and comfortable in the shelter as possible, and how she used to watch her mother leaving the shelter to make refreshments for everybody.  How this scared and thrilled her. How valiant her mother was!  I recognised this hereditary trait of showing love through providing sustenance immediately. Like grandmother, like mother, like daughter.

Now where was I? 

Oh yes …. War …..

The war we are fighting today is not in the everyday world.  Not really.  It is a based in a virtual one. Step outside.  There is no bomb damage. No signs of aircraft.   No troops.  It’s not obvious.  It is subtle and nuanced, yet equally pervasive, through our use of technology.

We use words, quotes, “likes” and emojis, in place of guns and bombs.  We mentally battle individual v individual, of any nation, rather than physically battle against individual nations. 

It is a war arisen from the crumbling of outer authorities that hold the illusion of our “togetherness” together.  We are lost.  Parentless and trying desperately to appear certain.

In the chaos of not trusting or knowing who is leading, we are pitting facts, figures and credentials against one another, in the vain hope that we can prove and secure our very existence.  Fuck consequences.  Fuck responsibility.  “I’m scared.”  “Where’s my mummy?” or dummy.  (Oh hang on a minute, I threw that out the pram along with my integrity.)

Where’s the connection?

Reflecting on my mummy’s memories of feeling so loved by her mother, at a time of such tension and uncertainty, I underpinned a knowing, a certainty that exists in me, quite simply because I exist.  

This certainty, which I can prove, without a shadow of a doubt, is LOVE. The ONLY medicine we ALL need is LOVE. And for extra certainty, let’s make it unconditional.

Love busts through everything. Obliterating fear and misunderstanding. A universally shared language, and nobody needs a doctorate or PHD to wield it.

I believe, YES, I BELIEVE, (in caps for all the naysayers who claim we aren’t allowed beliefs anymore), it is the cure for everything. Prove me wrong. I dare you.

This war we are fighting comes from our minds, the place where our fear is birthed and ultimately dies.  Our brilliant minds made for measuring and comparing, conceptualising and theorising, and NOT for ruling us or making decisions to act upon, as the sovereign, multi-dimensional beings that we all are.  (Yes, I said multi-dimensional.)

Humanity is forever expanding and growing, along with the universe in which we live, and my opinion is that the invitation happening right now, is to continue growing by connecting our knowing with all our feelings, emotions, instincts and intuition, so we can live our FULL potential, here on earth.  So rather than going around and around, stuck in our minds, and what we know, we get in touch with our innate body wisdom.  We become more whole.  Not just a mind living in a body.

Originally I wrote this piece to invite a Social Media Love-In day, dedicated to loving exchanges only. A detox of sorts.  It felt like a really good idea at the time.  I shared my idea and this article with some close friends, and realised after I received their support and input that this is not what I need to do.

What I need to do is get off Facebook and drop deeper into me.  Drink my own medicine.  I thought I had gone as inwards as I could go, and yet it appears there is more!

So I am surrendering further.  Reminding myself to follow my heart because it leads me to the most magical places.

Like right here. Right now.

Gosh I need a hug.

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This piece of writing is here purely because it needs to exist on paper and not in my head. It’s my version of what’s already being said, and yet it has my own unique flavour to it. It doesn’t need to be heard. For me, this is part of my processing.

Today ….

"It's definitely that. That's the truth".

Tomorrow …..

"No it's definitely this. This is the truth. This."

Every day …..

"I believe this!" "I know this!" "I am right!" "It is this!" "It is that!" "Listen to me!!!"

“This is rubbish.” “Stop talking shit.”  “You are crazy saying that.”  “I know better.”

Blah blah blah blah blah ….

Are we going out of our minds!??  I hope so …..

Lets be clear, minds are not for making decisions. You may as well read a news story, then flip a coin, and decide heads or tails if you are going to believe it or not.  Our minds are duality in motion.  They sometimes see more than two sides of things, and like to weigh stuff up, create pros and cons, good and bad, black and white, have opinions on this and that, and spoiler alert …. it will never bring you peace, satisfaction or success.

A mind based decision will stay with you forever and never serve your true purpose of being.

Your body is designed to make decisions through your personal, inner authority (you can find out what that is through Human Design), and I can honestly say knowing this information about yourself is a game changer.  A life saver even.  This is how you come to your truth.

There is an intellectual war going on right now, mostly through media, and the energy and space it is taking is immense, and considering the only evidence to support both sides is given either via online pictures, stories, news, fake news, it’s no wonder we are all feeling battle weary and mistrusting of each other.  Maybe it’s time to hold a ceasefire?

The universe/god/goddess/life, whatever you want to call it, is calling us into spirit consciousness and away from mind consciousness (that was so last century)!  We are being called to get in touch with our feelings and emotions fully. We rarely say “I know” these days, you hear more and more “I feel” .  If you feel the need to know something.  Google it. 

Then come back to yourself and get in touch with your body.  Your feelings.  Your gut. Your heart.  Your instincts.  Your environment.  Follow your joy!  Take a backseat and watch the beautiful movie of your life.

Mind needs to be put back in its rightful place, as an awareness centre for inspiration, conceptualising, questioning, comparing, theorising and interpreting. I’ll say it again. NOT for making decisions!

Our minds are brilliant!  We simply need to remember that they are not designed to be an authority over us.  Or anybody else for that matter.

With so much information out there for our minds to consume and get stuck in, to compare, theorise and have opinions around, it’s easy to get stuck in a mental field of no action.  Mental consciousness does not have any energy behind it.  It brings only awareness.  We have mastered mental consciousness.  It’s time to move on. Literally … take action.  Stop these mind wars.

You could compare this current PANdemIC situation to a massive game of Chinese Whispers (how ironic) ....and we all know how that ends don’t we? 

I don’t want to play thank you.

So how do we create ease in this dis-ease and find the relief and relaxation our bodies need to allow our life force to flow freely, so we can be in our full power, love, grace and joy right now?

How can we appease the wanting to know, wanting to understand, wanting to be liberated, needing to be soothed and comforted in our fear, pain, anger, frustration and sadness?

I propose there is one sure way to do this.  Go inwards.  Clean your own home.   Stop. Listen. Put down your phone. Turn off your computer. For a moment at least.

(I will in a minute 🤫).

Do you know you are needed right now?  Yes you!  You are utterly unique and humanity needs you.

Please let’s start accepting each individual for their utter uniqueness, and recognise the importance and birth-rightful place of each one, so that the constellation of humanity can shine brighter than ever.

Do you trust your own heart? Do you trust your own inner guidance? Do you know who you are and why you are here?  Really do you?

To go inward we need to feel fully.  We need to be in touch with our emotions. We need to listen to the quieter voices of our intuition and our hearts.  We need to listen to our gut. We need to speak our truth.  We need to be in touch with our environment.

In the pain of your tight chest do you feel the grief of all the deaths over millennia, through war and destruction, greed and power, asking for space to be witnessed and released? Do you feel the grief of all your personal losses big and small, recent and in the past?

In the heat of your fever do you feel the anger and shame at the years and years of abuse, torture, degradation and savagery inflicted on all earth's creatures and on yourself either through addiction, self harm and self neglect?

In your persistent dry cough do you feel all the unspoken words of YOUR truth, YOUR hopes, YOUR desires, thwarted at every turn by systems and authorities who don't care and don't listen, and YOUR OWN inner critic and judge and feelings of powerlessness, so ready to cut you down?

In your deep fatigue do you feel the part of you that longs to really rest, DEEPLY, to be loved and nurtured and to feel safe enough to let go and stop for a while, knowing you are supported and safe? The part that for now has had enough.  Enough of this mundane existence.

In your fears do you feel the parts of you that you have long been ignored, overlooked, and forgotten, in favour of working your way up the ladder, improving your status and getting recognition, making more money, having more stuff, more trinkets, because you lost sight of your innate goodness and value, and why you are here as a guest on this beautiful planet?

In your denial and/or apathy do you feel the pain in the avoidance of your own body’s disconnection to it’s life force and vibrancy, long shut down through depression, despair and hopelessness.

There is so much asking to be released and reset.  This timeline is so important.  You were born for this. 

There is a decision to be made here, either wake up and take a life inventory or stay asleep and get back to “normal” asap.

I know where my heart is calling me. 

There’s an opportunity to dig really deep into who you are at your core.  To connect to your essence.  To remember.  To realise your dreams.  To live. Fully.

The time is now.  It is only ever now.  Your mind lives in the past and future and yet your heart beats in the present moment.  You are being called back to you, back to now, through each inhale and exhale, with gratitude for each one, knowing it could be your last.

We are all perfectly designed to navigate this, or not. The choice is yours. Don't doubt for one minute it isn't.

Yes people are dying. That's life. It happens every damn day. Through wars, starvation, poverty, abuse, neglect and disease.  Every day.  Today is no different.  Go outside.  Take a look.  The only difference I see is the crumbling restraints and constraints of all the systems, institutions and organisations we have made for ourselves. The ones that no longer serve us.  The ones that need to be released and reset.  Just like we do.  The outer world always beautifully reflecting our inner world. 

I too am going to die. From this virus? It's possible. If so, I ask myself, what am I doing right now with my fear, with my sadness, with my excitement, with my longings and desires? Am I in joy? Am I living my truth? Am I in my power? Am I in contact with the love that I AM!!!

I pray we/I reconnect to our unique essence and come to accept, celebrate and utilise everyone’s genius for the expansion of humanity.

I pray we/I rise up like phoenixes from the ashes and claim back our/my individual sovereignty, love, magic and purpose.

I pray we/I remember why we/I need community and that it starts and ends with us/me.

I pray that we/I hold each other in love and radical kindness, and witness the parts in us/me collectively and personally we/I have ignored and banished, because we/I were too afraid to face and accept what lives inside every one of us/me.

I pray for us/me to stop believing we/I have the answers individually, and to realise the power of our/my collective intentions.

I pray for us/me to remember that love is the foundation and essence of every living being and without it we/I will perish.

I pray for this earth to be remembered for the paradise it is and that we/I are guests here, not owners.

I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.

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My musings today.

“It’s now time to relax and move simply from your heart” said a wise old voice in my head.

Recently I have a felt sense that everything is ok.  It truly is.  And also it’s not.  It’s truly not.  I finally feel permission to rest here.  No part of me feels an urge to change things, to push and cajole people to change. To wake up!  To be more than they simply are, right now and that includes me first and foremost.

I realised with this new decade that I am here, ready, waiting, creating, ok, more than ok and that I want to simplify my life and hang out with people who are here with me, now.  I want to connect with people I bump into along the way of me, showing up for me, and being me, fully.

I want to move with the beat of my heart.  My physical, bloody, broken, pulsing heart.  Taking each day as a present and starting it with a grateful bow for this gift of life.

I love my essence and yet recently accepted I am not so keen on it’s vessel. I’ve neglected it’s messages, overridden it’s no and am all too aware of the consequences of that.  Thank goodness we are living longer as I still have a lot to learn, and even more so, another chance, every day, to unfurl another feather, petal and prickle of me and to feel it.  To truly feel it and release any unfelt, trapped emotion in every frond, silk and spike. 

It’s time to integrate this time on earth and distill and digest so far. To enjoy and not take things so seriously.  I want to create.  I need to create! 

So I am moving forward, and away, like the tides of the sea.  Meeting each tiny grain of sand, reflecting all the stars in the sky, trusting in my return to me.

These past few days have passed like blurs.  Streaks of light in a dark void.  My body aching with the recognition of love, received through my words, exchanged in a moment.

I am melancholy and mutating.  Sitting and basking in the pain and glory of being human, and the expressions I can bring forth because I have a body, a mind, and a heart full of love to guide me. 

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  • Lewes, England, United Kingdom