4 min read
05 Apr

Today ….

"It's definitely that. That's the truth".

Tomorrow …..

"No it's definitely this. This is the truth. This."

Every day …..

"I believe this!" "I know this!" "I am right!" "It is this!" "It is that!" "Listen to me!!!"

“This is rubbish.” “Stop talking shit.”  “You are crazy saying that.”  “I know better.”

Blah blah blah blah blah ….

Are we going out of our minds!??  I hope so …..

Lets be clear, minds are not for making decisions. You may as well read a news story, then flip a coin, and decide heads or tails if you are going to believe it or not.  Our minds are duality in motion.  They sometimes see more than two sides of things, and like to weigh stuff up, create pros and cons, good and bad, black and white, have opinions on this and that, and spoiler alert …. it will never bring you peace, satisfaction or success.

A mind based decision will stay with you forever and never serve your true purpose of being.

Your body is designed to make decisions through your personal, inner authority (you can find out what that is through Human Design), and I can honestly say knowing this information about yourself is a game changer.  A life saver even.  This is how you come to your truth.

There is an intellectual war going on right now, mostly through media, and the energy and space it is taking is immense, and considering the only evidence to support both sides is given either via online pictures, stories, news, fake news, it’s no wonder we are all feeling battle weary and mistrusting of each other.  Maybe it’s time to hold a ceasefire?

The universe/god/goddess/life, whatever you want to call it, is calling us into spirit consciousness and away from mind consciousness (that was so last century)!  We are being called to get in touch with our feelings and emotions fully. We rarely say “I know” these days, you hear more and more “I feel” .  If you feel the need to know something.  Google it. 

Then come back to yourself and get in touch with your body.  Your feelings.  Your gut. Your heart.  Your instincts.  Your environment.  Follow your joy!  Take a backseat and watch the beautiful movie of your life.

Mind needs to be put back in its rightful place, as an awareness centre for inspiration, conceptualising, questioning, comparing, theorising and interpreting. I’ll say it again. NOT for making decisions!

Our minds are brilliant!  We simply need to remember that they are not designed to be an authority over us.  Or anybody else for that matter.

With so much information out there for our minds to consume and get stuck in, to compare, theorise and have opinions around, it’s easy to get stuck in a mental field of no action.  Mental consciousness does not have any energy behind it.  It brings only awareness.  We have mastered mental consciousness.  It’s time to move on. Literally … take action.  Stop these mind wars.

You could compare this current PANdemIC situation to a massive game of Chinese Whispers (how ironic) ....and we all know how that ends don’t we? 

I don’t want to play thank you.

So how do we create ease in this dis-ease and find the relief and relaxation our bodies need to allow our life force to flow freely, so we can be in our full power, love, grace and joy right now?

How can we appease the wanting to know, wanting to understand, wanting to be liberated, needing to be soothed and comforted in our fear, pain, anger, frustration and sadness?

I propose there is one sure way to do this.  Go inwards.  Clean your own home.   Stop. Listen. Put down your phone. Turn off your computer. For a moment at least.

(I will in a minute 🤫).

Do you know you are needed right now?  Yes you!  You are utterly unique and humanity needs you.

Please let’s start accepting each individual for their utter uniqueness, and recognise the importance and birth-rightful place of each one, so that the constellation of humanity can shine brighter than ever.

Do you trust your own heart? Do you trust your own inner guidance? Do you know who you are and why you are here?  Really do you?

To go inward we need to feel fully.  We need to be in touch with our emotions. We need to listen to the quieter voices of our intuition and our hearts.  We need to listen to our gut. We need to speak our truth.  We need to be in touch with our environment.

In the pain of your tight chest do you feel the grief of all the deaths over millennia, through war and destruction, greed and power, asking for space to be witnessed and released? Do you feel the grief of all your personal losses big and small, recent and in the past?

In the heat of your fever do you feel the anger and shame at the years and years of abuse, torture, degradation and savagery inflicted on all earth's creatures and on yourself either through addiction, self harm and self neglect?

In your persistent dry cough do you feel all the unspoken words of YOUR truth, YOUR hopes, YOUR desires, thwarted at every turn by systems and authorities who don't care and don't listen, and YOUR OWN inner critic and judge and feelings of powerlessness, so ready to cut you down?

In your deep fatigue do you feel the part of you that longs to really rest, DEEPLY, to be loved and nurtured and to feel safe enough to let go and stop for a while, knowing you are supported and safe? The part that for now has had enough.  Enough of this mundane existence.

In your fears do you feel the parts of you that you have long been ignored, overlooked, and forgotten, in favour of working your way up the ladder, improving your status and getting recognition, making more money, having more stuff, more trinkets, because you lost sight of your innate goodness and value, and why you are here as a guest on this beautiful planet?

In your denial and/or apathy do you feel the pain in the avoidance of your own body’s disconnection to it’s life force and vibrancy, long shut down through depression, despair and hopelessness.

There is so much asking to be released and reset.  This timeline is so important.  You were born for this. 

There is a decision to be made here, either wake up and take a life inventory or stay asleep and get back to “normal” asap.

I know where my heart is calling me. 

There’s an opportunity to dig really deep into who you are at your core.  To connect to your essence.  To remember.  To realise your dreams.  To live. Fully.

The time is now.  It is only ever now.  Your mind lives in the past and future and yet your heart beats in the present moment.  You are being called back to you, back to now, through each inhale and exhale, with gratitude for each one, knowing it could be your last.

We are all perfectly designed to navigate this, or not. The choice is yours. Don't doubt for one minute it isn't.

Yes people are dying. That's life. It happens every damn day. Through wars, starvation, poverty, abuse, neglect and disease.  Every day.  Today is no different.  Go outside.  Take a look.  The only difference I see is the crumbling restraints and constraints of all the systems, institutions and organisations we have made for ourselves. The ones that no longer serve us.  The ones that need to be released and reset.  Just like we do.  The outer world always beautifully reflecting our inner world. 

I too am going to die. From this virus? It's possible. If so, I ask myself, what am I doing right now with my fear, with my sadness, with my excitement, with my longings and desires? Am I in joy? Am I living my truth? Am I in my power? Am I in contact with the love that I AM!!!

I pray we/I reconnect to our unique essence and come to accept, celebrate and utilise everyone’s genius for the expansion of humanity.

I pray we/I rise up like phoenixes from the ashes and claim back our/my individual sovereignty, love, magic and purpose.

I pray we/I remember why we/I need community and that it starts and ends with us/me.

I pray that we/I hold each other in love and radical kindness, and witness the parts in us/me collectively and personally we/I have ignored and banished, because we/I were too afraid to face and accept what lives inside every one of us/me.

I pray for us/me to stop believing we/I have the answers individually, and to realise the power of our/my collective intentions.

I pray for us/me to remember that love is the foundation and essence of every living being and without it we/I will perish.

I pray for this earth to be remembered for the paradise it is and that we/I are guests here, not owners.

I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.

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