
Week One

  1. Type - Who you are at an energetic and auric level.
  2. Strategy - How you are designed to use and move your energy.
  3. Authority - How you are designed to make decisions.

Week Two

  1. Recap of Week One
  2. Undefined centers - where we carry wounding and conditioning, and where we can potentially live our deepest wisdom.
  3. Not Self - A term to describe when we behave through our conditioning, and make decisions with our mind, and go against our own unique design and energy flow.

Week Three

  1. Recap Week Two
  2. Your definition - The energy in your body that is reliable and consistent. How your energy shows up in life.
  3. Profile -  The costume we wear on the stage of life.  
  4. AOS - Any other stuff that emerges through our meeting and needs your awareness.

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